

Common Replication Questions and Troubleshooting Tips

New Boundary Support
Prism Patch Manager Troubleshooting

The information in this article applies to Prism Patch Manager 6.4 only

Common Replication Questions and Troubleshooting Tips


"Replication is taking a very long time."

There is typically a marked surge of traffic to the replication servers following the release of new patches (particularly out-of-band releases) as customers rush to get them. Normally, patience is the only thing in order. You may possibly need to restart your replication service. If you elect to try this, please do not use the 'Reset' button on your subscription status page. This does not restart the replication service, but instead initiates a full re-replication of all vulnerabilities in your subscription. This will cause your replication to take longer and also increase the total traffic to the replication servers, causing further slowdown for everyone replicating.


"My Prism Patch Manager (PPM) Server has downloaded a new patch but I only see it in Packages, not Vulnerabilities." And/Or "None of my agents show whether they are vulnerable or not for this new patch."

The patched/not-patched information will not be available until the agents have executed their DAU task. Secondarily, the agents cannot pick up a DAU until replication has completed. Please note: If you have not unchecked the 'Should be run after Subscription Replication' in the 'Discover Applicable Updates' section of your PPM SERVER Configuration page, a DAU will be scheduled for all agents immediately after replication completes and a seperate 'Scan Now' is not necessary.


"I see the new package, but it's not finishing caching. It just says Pending." And/Or "My patches just sit there with that wristwatch icon and don't go to the cardboard box icon."

Go to your Packages view and sort the packages by their change date, getting the most-recent date on top. Normally, you will see the package that is currently being cached in a Downloading status and packages waiting their turn to be cached in a Requesting status. If, instead, they show as Pending, you will need to restart your replication service.


"How can I restart my replication service?"

The simplest method is to navigate to Options, which should default to your subscription history tab. At the bottom of that window, click on the 'Configure' button. From the resulting popup window, select the 'Restart' button in the upper left corner. You will see the service status cycle from Running, through, Stopped and back to Running. Click 'Save' to exit the popup window.

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