Changing the Polling Frequency - Version 6 and earlier

The information in this article applies to Prism Deploy version 6 and earlier.


Here are 3 options for changing the Prism Client’s polling frequency:


  1. Generate a new subscription file, and use the Advanced button to set the new interval. Assign the subscription file as a Command Task.
  2. Create a Package containing a single registry setting to change the polling interval, and roll it out as a Package Task. The Package should contain the following key and value: HKey_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE\Lanovation\Prism Deploy\Channels\<your Channel’s GUID>; DWORD Value “Polling Frequency”; value = hex value of the frequency in milliseconds that you want to use. Below is a conversion chart: 

(Continuous)      Decimal = 5000             Hexadecimal = 138

(1 Minute)          Decimal = 60000           Hexadecimal = ea60

(5 Minutes)        Decimal = 300000          Hexadecimal = 493e0

(10 Minutes)      Decimal = 600000          Hexadecimal = 927c0

(15 Minutes)      Decimal = 900000          Hexadecimal = dbba0

(20 Minutes)      Decimal = 1200000        Hexadecimal = 124f80

(30 Minutes)      Decimal = 1800000        Hexadecimal = 1b7740

(45 Minutes)      Decimal = 2700000        Hexadecimal = 2932e0

(60 Minutes)      Decimal = 3600000        Hexadecimal = 36ee80

(2 Hours)          Decimal = 7200000         Hexadecimal = 6ddd00

(3 Hours)          Decimal = 10800000       Hexadecimal = a4cb80

(4 Hours)          Decimal = 14400000       Hexadecimal = dbba00

(8 Hours)          Decimal = 28800000       Hexadecimal = 1b77400

(Daily)             Decimal = 86400000       Hexadecimal = 5265c00


  1. In the Console, go to File|Client Settings and change the polling interval, then do a direct reinstall of the client. After the target computer reboots, its polling frequency will be changed.